Each enemy has its own strengths, weaknesses and abilities. Here you'll find all of that information in one place, along with strategies to best your opponents. The health for each enemy is listed next to their name followed by quick facts about the enemy that will help most people out. Enemy health does not change across difficulties, but how much damage they take and deal as modified as follows.
Difficulty |
Damage to Enemy |
Damage to Player |
Human | 150% | 50% |
Devil Hunter | 100% | 100% |
Son of Sparda | 75% | 150% |
Dante Must Die | 50% | 300% |
Dante Must Die (DT) | 25% | 600% |
Heaven or Hell | ∞ | ∞ |
Hell or Hell | 75% | ∞ |
For reference, Nero's basic swing (on Devil Hunter) does 80 damage, Streak does 120, and his gun does 12-50 damage (depending on range) on most enemies. Enemies have different resistances which can vary per move or move type, and in some instances, damage can vary per execution of an attack. For instance, the Empusa Queen can take between 72 and 88 damage from Nero's base swing.
For this reason, the information below is offered as a guideline.
This section still needs to be revised with new moves and attacks from higher difficulties as well as adjustment to formatting.